Our Purpose
To provide Hall County students with hands-on, real-world opportunities, which allow them to develop skills and pursue future occupations in the numerous career pathways available in Georgia’s Agri-Business economy.
Agri. News

AccessWDUN News Article
Students with the Hall County School District put the School System’s new agri-business education center on Cleveland Highway to use with the installation of beehives and their respective buzzing residents Thursday afternoon.
A group of students from East Hall and North Hall Middle Schools took the trip out to the 51-acre property to transfer the bees to their new permanent homes, the first activity on the agri-business grounds.
“We are taking the bees, and transferring them into their full-time hives,” Zach Free, agriculture teacher at East Hall Middle School said Thursday afternoon. “They are in a nuc box right now, which is just a five-frame hive, and that’s just meant to grow small colonies until they are able to get big enough and strong enough to function into their big hives that they are at.” Read More Here
Agriculture Business Center
4439 Cleveland Hwy
Gainesville, GA 30506
Central Office
711 Green Street
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: 770-534-1080
Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm